Thursday, March 10, 2011

4 Steps Back

On Monday Blakelee weighed 2lbs 3oz. Today she weighs 1lb 15oz.

I forgot to mention in the last post but on Tuesday when she had her episode they stopped feeds. I asked the nurse if they worried about Blakelee losing weight and she assured me that they didn't because they were still giving her nutrition through the IV. Well, I'm just gonna say it, SHE IS A LIAR. I mean that in the kindest way possible.

Now people, I can gain 2lbs on any given day so I just don't see the problem. All she needs is 2 pieces of toast with peanut butter and jelly and a glass of chocolate milk every morning. For lunch we could get her a bacon cheeseburger from Apollo Burger. Then a chicken chimichanga from Joe Bandidos for dinner. It works great for me.

So can we get some extra prayers for this little one to gain some weight. Kind of sad and discouraged this morning hearing about dropping below the 2lb mark. She is doing great with the breathing. Nothing really conclusive on the tests yet and we hope they will start feeding her again this afternoon.

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