Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mandi Update 2/19

Ok, instead of trying to call a gazillion people to keep them updated about Mandi and babe we are going to try and update this blog for everyone.
Let's talk about how we got here. Mandi went to the Roosevelt hospital Thursday night about midnight because her back hurt so bad. When she got there she was dilated to a 1. By morning she had progressed to a 3. They sent her by Air Med to the U of U hospital. She was in a lot of pain but no contractions were showing. In the late afternoon they gave her an epidural and that was such a relief for her.
Mandi is just 26 weeks along and they estimate the baby weighs between 1.5 and 2 pounds. They think that she probably has an infection and if so it would be better for the baby to be out in the world. About midnight last night things calmed down. She hadn't dilated past a 5 in several hours so we left her to go get some sleep. They turned the epidural off so that she would be able tell if anything changed.
About 6 this morning we got the call that she had dilated to a 6 and the docs had decided that she is just going to have to have this babe today. It is almost 10am now. She is dilated to a 7 and although leaking fluid the water hasn't broken completely. She is on pitocin now and moving right along. I can tell that Mandi is nervous but is doing so well and being so brave.
I will try to update often but who knows. Please pray for them. This baby is tiny.

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